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TEX - Injector

Welcome to TEX - Injector

A simple DLL injector for both x64 and x32 processes, designed for legitimate, debugging-related uses. Keep reading to learn about its features and how it works!

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About TEX - Injector

TEX - Injector is a lightweight tool that allows you to inject DLLs into processes you own for the purpose of testing, debugging, or other legitimate development reasons.

It supports both 32-bit (x32) and 64-bit (x64) processes. Please use it responsibly and only inject into processes you have full permission to modify.

Injection Methods:

  • CreateRemoteThread – Classic approach to DLL injection.
  • NtCreateThreadEx – An alternative kernel-level routine for injection.
  • APC Queue Injection – An advanced method that injects code via the Asynchronous Procedure Call queue.

Always abide by legal guidelines and use TEX - Injector only for processes you own.

Kussi Schatzi A💜